A chapter of SURJ in Buffalo and Erie County, NY.

Who We Are
SURJ Buffalo is a chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice, a national network organizing white people against white supremacy. This chapter is a coalition of folks organizing across class lines in Buffalo, Erie County, and Western New York to undermine racist institutions through collective action.
The SURJ Buffalo chapter is one of over 200 SURJ chapters and affiliates nationwide and beyond. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multiracial majority for justice with passion and accountability.
SURJ Buffalo members participate in opportunities like chapter meetings, political education, skill development workshops, neighborhood canvases, social events, and community actions.
Organizing White People
Showing Up for Racial Justice is a national organization that brings hundreds of thousands of white people into fights for racial and economic justice. For too long, the Right has hoarded wealth and power by using strategic racism to convince white people that we have more in common with billionaires and corporate elites than with the people of color in our communities. At SURJ, we bring our folks in by offering a better alternative: a just, vibrant future where people of all races work together to win what we need. We do this work by building people power in multi-racial communities across our network — through campaigns, 200 chapters across the country, and deep local organizing projects.
SURJ Values
SURJ’s values ground our work and have been developed and honed over more than a decade of organizing. We believe we must have an inclusive, openhearted approach to organizing— bringing more and more people into this work rather than creating barriers to participation— while maintaining clear commitments to justice.
Calling People In
Accountability Through Collective Action
Take Risks, Make Mistakes, Learn and Make Amends, and Keep Going
Organize Out of Mutual Interest
There is Enough for All
Growing is Good
Center Class
Giving to SURJ Buffalo supports the chapter and our accountability partner Black Love Resists in the Rust (BLRR). At most events, cash and check donations are accepted.​
An online donation portal will be available soon.